Title: The Lost World Author: Kate Roman (romankate) Fandom: Sherlock Holmes Ritchie-verse Pairing, Genre: Holmes/Watson, implied slash Rating: PG Wordcount: 850 Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit intended Notes/Warnings: Spoilers for A Game of Shadows Summary:
Title: Names Athour: anne85 Rating: PG Word Count: 272 Summary: Watson thinks of all the names he's called. Note:This is my first English Sherlock Holmes fanfic (since I am no native English speaker). It's not very long. I hope you enjoy it! Have fun! :-) I hope I just did everything right with the tags and so on... o_O
Title: Sherlock Holmes: Re-Animator Photoshop abuser: Tabby Stardust Rating: PG Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no money from this, please do not sue.
Title: Home, Once Over Author: ingridmatthews Fandom: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Genre: Angst, Missing Scene Rating: PG Summary: Watson yearns to go home. Note: An auction-fic for the generous and gracious esteefee.
Title: A Matter of Perspective Author: tinzelda Rating: PG Pairing: Holmes/Watson Summary: A little story bracketing the hiatus in which there is mild angst and snuggling and Holmes comes to terms with the fact that he does indeed have a sex drive. Word Count: 2,800 Author's Notes: Many thanks to the brilliant and lovely charlotteyonge, who yet again helped me figure out
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Title: prelude to a wedding Pairing: Holmes/Watson UST Warnings: None Rating: PG Summary: In which Watson is late to his own wedding and Holmes is a master of disguise. One-sided Holmes/Watson, missing scene from A Game of Shadows.
Title: The Adventure of the Tattooed Fighter (1/2) Author: ariadnes_string Rating: PG-13 Genre: Crossover: Sherlock Holmes/Hawaii Five-OPairings: Holmes/Watson established relationship
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Title: Mr. & Mrs. Watson Photoshop abuser: Tabby Stardust Pairing: Holmes/Watson Rating: PG Warnings/kinks: Crossdressing Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no money from this, please do not sue.
Author: amaraal Pairing: Holmes/Watson Rating: PG Word count: ~2100 Disclaimer: I own nothing. Summary: A study in seduction. A/N: wtw kissing prompt. Eternal gratitude goes to nodbear. Bestest beta reader ever.